Best Niche For Blogging

What is the best niche for blogging if you’re thinking of blogging for an income source? The simple answer is an untapped niche which has a good supply of interest, yet little competition. If you’re going into the ‘make money online’ niche, for example, don’t expect to rank your articles on this topic any time soon. Although this niche is potentially a good earner, it’s also hugely competitive.

Which Niche Makes The Most Money?

If the goal is a reliable source of income then you may be wondering which niche makes the most money. However, before you get started in the biggest money spinning corners of the market you need to assess your competition. The best niche for blogging isn’t necessarily the one which makes the most money over all the different niches – after all, you can make zero in any niche! You only make money if you are successful and you are more likely to be successful (through blogging) in a less competitive niche. Otherwise you are better off with paid advertising.

You can make money in any niche providing there is a market of some kind for it. The ‘Scrap-booking’ niche, for example is one I came across in an online tutorial. Take a look at it here in this article: niche market examples.

Why scrap-booking? The developer of this site found an untapped niche in a market which they had an interest in and built an awesome site around it. or both rank up top in the Google searches for this main keyword and presumably many other long tail keywords around it.

best niche for blogging

Back to which niche makes the most money. Any niche can make money but if you want to blog around your niche you should pick something which you can rank for in the first page of Google. Otherwise you’re going to need to spend a lot of money advertising your website.

Big niches such a “money making online”, “Forex training”, “making money from home” can and do make a lot of money. However, many sites like this do so by spending a lot on advertising. Trying to get a new site ranking in these niches will be hard. It’s much easier to find small sub-niches for which you have a passion and also which you can continue blogging about for potentially years to come. Picking a topic based only on trying to make money is ‘putting the cart before the horse’ in terms of blogging. You need to tap into your passion and build a following based on your topic area. The best niche for blogging is therefore one you can sustain your interest in.

Niche Site Keyword Research

niche site keyword research

See also how to use keyword research for more on this topic and finding long tail keywords.

Something which I attempted for a long time was tapping into small niche websites and blogging about the topic. One of my topics was about garlic. I found a good keyword which was untapped and I build a site around it. One of my sites was “when to harvest garlic”. I used the keyword tool to find this after quite a lot of research. I bought and started blogging around the topic. I knew nothing of garlic until I started this site but began researching and blogged a good 100 or so articles on the topic by the time I was done. My site did rank in the first page of Google in first place at one point and I made money from Google Adsense program.

After a good 6 months working on this site I was utterly exhausted and cared not one jot abut garlic! The sites which competed in this area were much bigger than mine and clearly had more of an interest in garlic growing. My site dropped off Google after some time on the first page and a year or so later I simply let it expire. I could have sold it on had I more knowledge at that time but I didn’t have any further interest so decided to drop it.

What Is Niche Website

A niche website is a website based around a niche area or interest. The strategy is to pick a keyword combination which has few competing websites but more than 2000 searches a month for that particular keyword.

Best Niche For Blogging

So what is the best niche for blogging?

If your blog is being made purely to make money it can be difficult to sustain your interest for the long term. Your site is far more likely to be out ranked by more authority websites which have aged domains, many back links and much more content. My Garlic website wasn’t a huge success by any means but I learned a lot from the experience. I wasn’t able to sustain my interest and despite putting a lot of effort in and ranking at the top of Google, algorithm changes and competition meant I couldn’t sustain my efforts to keep it there.

If you don’t have an interest or passion to blog around you are better off sending people directly to products. You don’t need a website to make money from the internet and you can simply learn how to market products online. See how to sell affiliate products online.

Access this course which will show you how to market high ticket membership products.