What are the best strategies to use for your own internet business, and how can you avoid the pitfalls which so many fall into when starting up an online business?
When I started learning about making money from the internet I tried all sorts of different strategies which I found online. Some of them I paid for and some of them I stumbled upon and found for free. However, many of them were flawed in so much as they relied on an aspect of the internet which was in constant flux – namely Google. Any strategy which involved ranking a site highly on Google was flawed in many respects.
Worst & Best Strategies To Use For Your Own Internet Business
Before we get to the best strategies to use for your own internet business let’s have a look at some of the strategies I tried but which didn’t work. This could save you years of your own research!
Strategy #1
One of the first strategies I tried was ranking affiliate websites on the first page of Google. This was to be mainly done by:
- buying a keyword targeted domain name,
- building a site around keyword targeted articles,
- collecting email addresses on the landing page with an email capture
- Sending follow up emails selling a product relating to your keywords.
This strategy in theory was a great idea. In fact much of what works for lucrative internet businesses is based around some elements of this idea. However, when I tried this method Google had already changed much of what I learned in the course I studied. I bought several domain names and built several sites but I didn’t sell a single product using this method, simply because none of my websites ranked.
Google got wind of this idea and quickly changed their algorithms so not to rank thin affiliates sites. It gave less credibility to keyword targeted domain names since everyone was trying this. At one time this did work but as time went on it became less possible. This definitely wasn’t one of the best strategies to use for your own internet business. However, it did help me learn a few key skills on the way, which later came in handy.
Strategy #2
I moved on the next fad which was again ranking authority websites but instead of selling digital products it was using Google’s adsense adverts and placing them on your website. You needed a lot of visitors for this to work. I studied this with a company called The Keyword Academy and the main emphasis was on building content round certain keyword niches, ranking websites and getting clicks from visitors to your adverts.
- A lot of keyword research to find a specific ‘untapped’ theme
- Buying a keyword focused domain name
- Building content around your main keywords
- Making money via ‘clicks’ on your Adsense adverts.
Again a great, theoretical plan. By getting thousands of visits a day you could in theory make several websites which all made money on virtual autopilot from the click of your adverts. I did this for quite some time but my sites didn’t do well and I decided it simply wasn’t working. At the time Google was again changing its algorithms so the keyword domain wasn’t as helpful as it had been previously.
Content I built took a while to rank. My sites were ‘sandboxed’ – taken out of Google’s search engines for some penalty. Some people built a huge income in this way. The main idea was to build a ‘passive’ income from your websites like this. I did make some clicks from various sites but only really made a few pounds a day at best. I tried building more sites to do this with but no sooner as a new site had starting ranking, the old ones would drop off and stop working.
People who were making thousands from this method also faced the insecurity of being sand-boxed, knocked off the ranking from other competing sites which were better than theirs or being banned from the Adsense program altogether. This happened in a number of cases one of whom I knew personally. You can build a successful site in this way but it takes a long time and a huge amount of effort. The goal is to have a ‘passive’ income which can replace your normal wage – quite an achievement.
Strategy #3
This strategy had the best results from all the strategies I had tried previously. I bought another ‘income online’ program which taught me the basics of this method. It involved:
- Building a landing page
- Sending paid traffic to it
- Selling an information product accessible online
This worked really well and I made several sales overnight after placing an advert on Google Adwords advertising platform. I thought I had made it but before I could adjust my budget and scale up I was hit with an suspended account.
My account got shut down as Google didn’t like my adverts. It was incredibly frustrating. I had worked so hard in building everything and it all came tumbling down! I could get my account back and so lost hope at that point and decided to give it a rest.
I still had a couple of sites which ranked for certain keywords and so I continued with them, continuing to build content and looking for other keyword domains I could rank for. After a while I decided I was kidding myself and consolidated down to only a couple of websites. During all this time I had made a few affiliate sales of the odd product here and there so thought I had something to build on.
I had a review of a website building program – called Xsite Pro, I think which made a very quick sale. This software is now pretty much obsolete as everyone can use WordPress for nothing and put up a website.
Strategy #4
I tried the ‘review’ strategy too which consists of:
- Building a review website or blogging about products
- Sending visitors to a sales page of that product
I did build a review site but didn’t really follow up on it. By that time I was juggling too many plates and trying too many things. I wrote a review on a free blog platform called hubpages.com which made me an easy sale. However, after writing many more reviews of various products I didn’t manage to replicate this first success.
Best Strategies To Use For Your Own Internet Business
Having tried so many things and also trying to do it on the cheap all the time, I was about to throw in the towel. I discovered an online education platform and decided to start again from scratch. I ’emptied my cup’ and thought I would trust someone else to guide me. This led me to find the best strategies to use for your own internet business:
- Sell high ticket products
- Sell membership products
- Use their landing pages
- Join a team and a community / internet marketing mentors
- Use an already selling product to promote
I used as much previous knowledge as I could to save on advertising but part of my problem was trying to avoid spending any money  – since I didn’t have any! This was part of the problem though. It meant I didn’t get the right education, didn’t buy the right products and didn’t get any traffic to my website. I had to spend some money, after all I had spent years on this idea! I was wasting my life!
- By selling memberships you can make monthly commissions rather than just one offs.
- By selling high ticket products you can recoup your advertising costs much more easily than with lower priced products.
- By joining a community you have a ‘go to’ when you need help or advice.
These are the best strategies to use for your own internet business to make it a viable income opportunity. Selling low value items takes the same effort as selling higher value items. Selling memberships happens in the exact same way as selling a single online product. Only by selling memberships you get monthly commissions rather than a single payment.
Best Strategies To Use For Your Own Internet Business – Mindset
Although I have talked a lot about the various ‘nuts and bolts’ tactics of building an internet business that works, much of the outcome of an internet business is down to your own personal work ethics, the time and effort you are prepared to put in to your business, and your own individual mindset.
An education platform can provide the tools, expertise and community to help but in the end it is down to the individual to make the most of themselves, their time and to best educate themselves in the running of a successful internet business ,as well as the running of their own mind.
See why mindset is the most important thing in an online business.
To learn more about how to build a successful internet business from scratch, join a community of online entrepreneurs and promote high ticket and membership products , follow this link.