Why do you think smart work is better than hard work? Here’s an example of working hard vs working smart.
At 16 Jon leaves school and gets a job paid £20,000 a year. His friend Steven goes to university and gets a degree. In the three years Steven is studying Jon earns £60,000. Assuming that Steven gets a well paid job when he leaves, and doesn’t get a job at McDonald’s, his earning potential is £40,000 a year. Over the next year Steven earns £40,000. In four years Jon has earned £80,000, Steven has earned £40,000, (and also has a £20,000 loan to pay off for his education.)
Over the following 10 years Jon will earn a total of £280,000. Steven will earn £440,000. 10 years later Jon will have earned £480,000 and Steven will have earned £840,000. Here is an example of why working smarter pays off in the long term. This of course assumes both Jon and Steven keep their jobs for the duration, and their wage remains the same. In both cases Jon and Steven have to keep working in order to keep making money. They both trade their time for money. However Steven has educated himself and is therefore deemed more valuable than Jon – in a monetary sense. Both of them need to continue working in order to keep getting paid. Steven waits longer to get paid to work but earn more over the long term – an example of why smart work is better than hard work.
Hardworking vs Smartworking – Trading Time For Money
Royalty Payments
In most jobs you get paid for the time you put in. If you stop working you also stop being paid. Unless you get some kind of royalties for your work, this is the case in most jobs. Actors and writers, for example, can get paid long after they have completed their work – if their book, or film is successful. There are other ways to earn royalties too. Network marketing offers this opportunity to entrepreneurs who build huge teams of people. The sales from those teams bring in royalty payments for years to come for some network marketers.
Setting Up Automated Income ‘Trickles’
Business owners leverage their time by employing staff at a rate which makes more profit for them. Instead of working themselves they create companies which can be run by others and still bring in profit. An example of this on a smaller scale is a vending machine.
The Vending Machine
A vending machine needs a little amount of upkeep each week to restock it and removing the previous weeks takings. It also needs mending occasionally if it breaks down. On the whole though it needs very little input and it brings in money week after week. The vending machine is an example of working smart vs working hard. One machine might only make a few hundred each week but you can purchase and run several hundred of these machines.
- Renting the space to put them
- Maintenance
- Restocking
- Initial purchase
- Weekly takings
As long as the outgoings (cost) is less than your takings you are in profit. Of course the biggest cost is the initial purchase which can be factored in over the long term. By having several vending machines you can multiply your efforts. This is an example of working smart. You will still need to buy the machines, find somewhere to put them, maintain them regularly and repeat the process for any new machines you buy – and you need to make sure you are in profit and are selling the items from the machines. However, this is a system which leverages your time, making you money when you are not working. Once it’s all set up there are only a few simple tasks to do and you can collect your income every week.
An Online Vending Machine
An actual vending machine business is not ideal for most people. However, for many, owning an internet business is a far more realistic proposition. In many ways an internet business offers the same leverage that is available with a vending machine business – the ability to leverage your time with systems and not trade time for money as in the case with most jobs.
How To Build Your Own Online Vending Machine
Affiliate marketing is a similar model to that of a vending machine. You can set up pages on the internet which act as trickle incomes, sending visitors to your own online vending machines. By creating content and driving traffic to landing pages, sales pages and even physical products, online marketers build multiple sources of income from their laptops.
Working Smart vs Working Hard
This is an example of working smart. Although there is still work to do to set up these systems, once they are working and making money you can set up many more. Unlike a ‘job’ where you are paid for turning up and putting the hours in, you get paid for work you have done previously.
How Does This Work?
Blogs, websites and video channels direct traffic and make online sales of various products and services. By referring traffic to other people’s products, affiliates earn commissions on the sales they refer. An affiliate can also make 40% commission on some online products.
Best Products To Sell Online
Some of the best products to sell online are membership products and high ticket products. A membership sale can mean you earn commissions every month for just one sale for as long as the member continues to subscribe to a particular service. High Ticket sales give the affiliate a higher commission than for a low value product. High ticket simply refers to the price tag. By selling higher value items online you can earn more for each sale. Learn more here. Both high ticket sales and online memberships are both fantastic examples of why smart work is better than hard work.
Why Smart Work Is Better Than Hard Work
- Â “Do something you love and you’ll never work a day in your life”. Working hard just for the sake of money is definitely hard work. You can still work hard doing something you love (or at least which holds your interest) and it is much more rewarding.
- Smart work is better than hard work when you learn to leverage your time with ‘systems’ which create more flexibility and free up your time.  These systems are now currently available to anyone – by using existing software available online.
- Working smart and hard is the only way to guarantee success. Your attitudes will determine your outcomes.
- Trading time for money is a tactic which is limited by your time. If you stop working you stop getting paid.
- Setting up online ‘vending machines’Â which work 24/7, and while you sleep, making you money is an example of working smart.
- Using time to make money is an example of working hard. Using money to make money is an example of working smart. Smart work is better than hard work when you can use systems to make profits rather than selling your time.
Learn how you can leverage the internet to create more time and financial freedom in your life.