It is often the case that the business owner fails to see into their own limited thinking and this is the main obstacle to their continued growth and success. We want results. What must we do to get what we want? We try many things but are often met with the same roadblocks on our journey. These roadblocks are signals, not that our business is flawed, but signals as to limitations in our own awareness and development.
What is your roadblock? What holds you from the life you truly desire? As we move towards our goals we often reach a point where we stall. We stop moving forwards because we have come up against the periphery of our ‘comfort zone’. Something holds us where we are. We can’t push through it. Perhaps we are too lazy, too set in our ways or don’t want a new outcome badly enough to work for it – or we have a conflicting desire which is lying in our unconscious mind. Where is the limit set for your self image? How do you see yourself? Are you happy with the way things are?
Invest in yourself
We can always justify spending money on the things which we prioritize in life, even if they are unnecessary luxuries. Having a good time is on most people’s agenda. But when we focus on building a business we can be unjustifiably frugal and avoid spending money and investing on our personal and professional growth. It is strange how we spend money quite freely in some areas of our lives but then are far too ‘thrifty’ in other areas which matter the most.
I have experienced this myself at certain points in my life when money (or rather lack of it) was a big issue. When you have a little you spend a little. You limit your lifestyle by what you have visibly in front of you. I lived like this for years and only recently realized that it can be a mental trap which perpetuates the same financial rut. Over years of your life your spending habits become ingrained into your consciousness and you won’t allow yourself to step out of these patterns of behavior – even when they continue to perpetuate the same problems.
Think about which areas of your life you are happy to spend money in. What do you spend money on without question? Which things are you more cautious about? Just developing your awareness into your spending habits will allow you to see where some of your limitations lie. If there is an area of your life which bothers you, maybe it is time to spend more of your time and resources looking into the answers in that arena and forego some of your other habits.
Looking into your own thinking is something which most people don’t do. We see ourselves as able to make the best decisions to serve us. However our decisions are based our deep inner beliefs and how we see ourselves – our self image. If we continue to project a certain self image out into the world, we will continue to receive the same results back.
If we react from a standpoint of who we think we are, we will continue to maintain the illusion of our own self image – and it will continue giving us feedback as the results in our lives. By looking into our behavior, we can learn to alter the things which need changing and this will allow us to move forwards to a life of our own conscious choosing.