Reprogram Your Subconscious Mind And Belief System

It is possible to reprogram your subconscious mind and belief system. Why would you want to do this? Simply because most of us have picked up unconscious beliefs which stagnate our growth in some way. When we get to a ‘sticking point’ in our lives, it can often be because of some unconscious belief, standing in the way of the momentum. It’s also referred to as a ‘glass ceiling’. A glass ceiling is a limiting, unknown ‘obstacle’ to our success. In many cases, a glass ceiling is an unconscious barrier which prevents you from moving forwards in some way.

reprogram your subconscious mind and belief system

Reprogram Your Subconscious Mind And Belief System

So, how do you reprogram your subconscious mind and belief system? A good start is to uncover some of your limiting beliefs. Write down your biggest bug-bears in life and the reasons why you aren’t already where you want to be. Why don’t you have the career you want, or the partner you want? Why don’t you live where you want to live, or do the job you really want to have. Whatever your situation, write down 10 areas which you want to improve in life. Next to each objective, write down your excuses, I mean reasons, for why you haven’t moved forwards in this area.

This is a good way of uncovering your unconscious beliefs systems which are already holding you where you are.

Your list might look something like this:

  1. Living in a nicer area in the next year- I don’t earn enough to move/I can’t get the loan
  2. Earning another $1000 a month within 4 years – I hate my job, my boss doesn’t like me
  3. I want a job/career which I love – I need the money so I’m stuck in this one
  4. Upgrading my car by February – My job/career isn’t secure and I need to save the money
  5. I would love to re-train for another career – my situation doesn’t allow it/I’m too attached to my comfort zones.

Keep going in every area of your life and look at your reasons. Your reasons will give you a good idea of what you have accepted as the reasons why you are where you are.

Reprogram Your Subconscious Mind And Belief System

reprogram your subconscious mind and belief system

Your belief system is real. At least it is very real to you. It holds you where you are because you believe it with every fibre of your being. By slowly changing your belief system, it will lose power over your decisions and your current lifestyle. From your shifting beliefs you can shift your energy. Each element of your life is held by the “bedrock” of your belief system. As your beliefs change, so does you reality.

Let’s look at the first area above: 1. Living in a nicer area – I don’t earn enough to move/I can’t get the loan

Firstly examine how much you want to live in a nicer area. Perhaps it’s just a fleeting thought. Perhaps you don’t really want it enough to change your current circumstances. That’s fine, but at least admit it! Don’t say you want something but then accept you don’t want to change your circumstances to get it! Things change when you want something enough to move from your current circumstances. Examine your excuses/reasons. Could they change over time? How could you speed this up? What motivates you to both change your circumstances and what motivates you to accept the status quo/current situation as it is?

Perhaps not moving is the very best thing you could do right now. Maybe moving would put you in greater debt and make your situation worse.

If You Want Something Enough

reprogram your subconscious mind and belief system

If you want something enough you’ll make some moves to get it. Sometimes you need some help from your subconscious mind though. If you’re continually butting your head against a brick wall (metaphorically), it could be because you do want change but you can’t get beyond your current circumstances. Look at your reasons and write down a statement which counteracts it, like this:

  1. I don’t earn enough to move – My income is increasing continually and steadily

Use this new idea to reprogram your subconscious mind. Although you probably don’t believe it, you need to start repeating it to yourself and imagine it is true. This is communicating your new belief to your unconscious mind. Doing this repeatedly, is a simple way to reprogram your subconscious. For a long time, you have probably been repeating your old belief of: “I don’t earn enough to ….”, or whatever it is. Over time this is picked up by the subconscious mind and reinforced every time you repeat it. By doing the same with a contrary belief, you can reprogram your subconscious mind and belief system.

Reprogram Your Subconscious Mind And Belief System

As you can see in the video, your paradigm is the controlling factor which keeps you trapped in your current circumstances. Unless you change your paradigm, your life will continue as it already is. In fact, the longer you continue to do the same things and, more importantly, think in the same way, you’ll continue to bring about the same results over and over. Shifting your energy and thinking is the fastest way to bring about change.

How To Reprogram Your Subconscious Mind And Belief System – Who Are You?

You have been ‘programming’ your subconscious mind and belief system for many years. Cultural factors and your surroundings while growing up have also all been absorbed into your subconscious mind. These are powerful subconscious beliefs which will take time to shift. The heritage your have been born into, the lives of your parents and your grandparents, all will have a factor on the subconscious ideas you have picked up from your surroundings. Before you were even 10 years old, you will have picked up some powerful signals as to what you can do with life, what you’re capable of, how you should behave, treat yourself and treat others.

Reprogramming some of the ideas which limit you and stunt your growth is well worth your time.

Start With A Goal

Starting with a goal, you can use a ‘mantra’ or affirmation to train your subconscious mind to shift its focus. But you need to really want this goal, or otherwise you’ll find excuses as to why it’s not really that important for you. You’ll slip back into your unconscious behaviour patterns and continue to belief your old programming.

how to reprogram your subconscious mind and belief system

Stuart Lichtman’s book on Cybernetic Transposition is the best resource I have found on this. He uses what he calls the Cybernetic Transposition three step process to powerfully alter your subconscious programming using a very specific strategy.

This requires you to simply set an objective and write it down. Then, as you repeat it to yourself, you adjust it to meet all your needs. The subconscious mind is very powerful and will have many competing behaviours which may stop your achievements for a number of reasons. Stuart Lichtman’s Three Step Process helps you to align all parts of the brain to focus on your most important achievement. This then ‘flags up’ this goal to the subconscious mind so that it can continue to look for solutions, even while you’re doing other things.

There’s a few important points to this strategy and you need to be very clear on them for this to have the biggest impact. Access Stuart Lichtman’s book here to get started.

What’s Involved? Getting Started Reprogramming Beliefs

how to reprogram your subconscious mind and belief system

Setting a goal is the start point. But it can’t be any old goal. You need to pick something which you:

  • Really really want – on a scale of 1-10 this must be at least a 6 in desirability, ideally a “10”
  • Believe you can achieve – on the same scale you must again have a 6 in ‘believability’, ideally a “10”

If you don’t really want your goal, you’ll find reasons to give up later down the road. You won’t be focused on achieving it if you don’t really want it. Equally, if you don’t really believe you’ll achieve the goal, you won’t fully go for it. You’ll find a reason to stop working towards it.

So you’ve got you goal, now what? You need to put your goal into a ‘story’ format which you unconscious mind can understand. This is explained in Stuarts’ book here. Stuart calls this your “Meta-story”. It’s basically a story you have already from your past. You’re just going to use a story you actually have in your memory, re-write it, and use it to reprogram your subconscious mind.

A Powerful Affirmation To ‘Talk’ To Your Unconscious Mind

OK so let’s assume you’ve done this and you’re now ready with your “meta-story” to start ‘talking to your subconscious mind. As you repeat your “meta-story” over and over, you’ll notice some resistance most probably. Perhaps you don’t fully believe the story you’re telling. That means your story has fallen from at least a 6 on the “believability” scale. Re-write it so that it goes back up to at least a 6. Ideally you want a “10” for both desirability and believability. Otherwise you won’t be motivated to achieve it.

reprogram your subconscious mind and belief system

As you repeat your story over and over, you’ll continue to ‘tweek’ it so that it meets your motivation criteria. Also though, you’ll find your unconscious mind is starting to offer some signals of resistance. As these things come up for you, just notice what is happening. You’ll rewrite you story each time you receive some “feedback” from your subconscious mind.

As I did this, I noticed my subconscious mind was busy looking for reasons why it wasn’t going to work. Just notice these objections and carry on.

By creating a story from your past, you can include sights and sounds and even smells and feelings which powerfully signal to your subconscious mind. These are vitally important to your affirmation. Unless you can include these, you’re just talking to your subconscious in words. Think about how your subconscious mind talks to you in your dreams. It’s pictures and feelings. That’s why you want to include the same in your story.

Reprogram your subconscious mind and belief system using Stuart Lichtman’s book. This is especially useful if you have a specific goal or outcome you would like to achieve. See also my Stuart Lichtman Review.

Reprogram Your Subconscious Mind And Belief System – Other Strategies

Thoughts and Words

There’s a few other strategies you can employ to reprogram your subconscious mind and belief system. Noticing your words and thoughts is an important starting point because you’re continually ‘feeding’ your subconscious mind with thought which are either taking you towards your best goals and intentions, or away from them. Consider some of the things you say, which counteract (or push away) the very things which you want to manifest in life.

reprogram your subconscious mind and belief system

Napoleon Hill Think and Grow Rich – “Remember what has been said about the unconscious mind resembling a fertile garden spot, in which weeds will grow in abundance, if thoughts of a more desirable crop are not sewn therein.”

Your thoughts and words are the ‘seeds’ of the ideas which dominate your thinking. By those thoughts your life is created. If you want to reprogram your subconscious mind and belief system, start by paying attention to the thoughts and words you permit to remain in the conscious mind.

Checkout Think and Grow Rich.

Self Image

Your self image is a huge part of your subconscious makeup. Unless you change your self image. it may hold you back from altering your life’s circumstances. Maxwell Maltz’s book on Psycho-Cybernetics is a huge game changer in self development. One of the fastest ways to reprogram your subconscious mind and belief system is by changing your self image.

reprogram your subconscious mind and belief system

Get a copy of Maxwell Maltz’s Psycho-cybernetics here.

Your inner ‘identity’ is something which doesn’t change much over the course of your life. This is a huge part of your glass ceiling if you’re trying and failing to change your circumstances for the better. Ask yourself what you truly believe about yourself. Are you worthy of a happy life, success and joy in every area? If you don’t believe you are, ask yourself why? This is a huge key to your moving forwards in life and growing personally in every area of your life. It’s well worth your time to investigate these ‘inner stories’ which we all hold onto regarding ourselves.