Millionaire Mentors Online

Looking for millionaire mentors online? Jay Kubassek and Stuart Ross are two millionaire mentors who have created an online community for entrepreneurs looking to build their own online businesses. Here’s a picture of me with Jay Kubassek at a London seminar.

millionaire mentors online
Me And Jay Kubassek

Stuart Ross and Jay Kubassek have helped thousands of online entrepreneurs realise their dreams of becoming independent online entrepreneurs.

millionaire mentors online
Jay and Stuart

Millionaire Mentors Online

millionaire mentors online

So what can you expect from these two millionaire mentors online? Stuart and Jay are dedicated to their online company and community The Six Figure Mentors. They teach their students how to build online businesses through their webinars, live seminars and through their students and business leaders. They also offer their business system to their students to use as a fully operational business. Students can learn the fundamental aspects of online marketing while promoting any of the available products over the internet through affiliate marketing.

An Online Business System

The platform offered by Stuart And Jay is an online business system which gives anyone the ability to sell a range of digital products over the internet through a ready made sales funnel. Anyone can become an affiliate marketer and sell products over the internet. However, many attempt this and never quite make it. The Six Figure Mentors is a training and education platform designed for online entrepreneurs who are serious about transforming themselves into full time digital entrepreneurs.

This involves setting up a business system which can be automated, scaled and worked at from anywhere. As long as you have an internet connection and a laptop, you can operate this business. Digital products can be sold from anywhere to anywhere in the world. Affiliates can earn 40% commissions on a range of products and services.

millionaire mentors online

However, much of what Stuart and Jay teach is about mindset. This is because it is probably the number one reason why most people fail with affiliate marketing. For most of us, money is scarce. This leads us to make choices which limit us and our spending ability, therefore creating a self-fulfilling prophecy of continual poverty or scarcity. “There’s not enough so I’ll continue to make choices which limit my earning power”. 

What’s Involved?

Millionaire mentors online Stuart and Jay don’t just offer a lot of whimsical fluffy advise and leave you to it! There’s a community of people to connect with, a huge variety of online training and education tools and regular events to plug into and learn from.

The SFM is an all-in-one digital learning program and digital business system. However, don’t expect it to be plain sailing. Building a successful online business takes a lot of hard work and continual effort on your part. It’s definitely not a ‘set it and forget it’ magic bullet system which does everything for you.

Initially you will need to work through the getting started modules if you decide to apply to join the SFM by purchasing the application. This will give you access to module 1 of the training modules in the training platform.

millionaire mentors online

If you decide to join the community and access the full training, you can start to build your own online business sales funnel. The sales funnel will allow you to build a website, email series follow up which contains a product suite. This can allow you to earn commissions on products sold through your own marketing efforts.

The Key To Online Success

You can also look over the shoulders of other online business owners who have already made process and achieved success with their online businesses. Stuart and Jay are also available via various online webinars and interactive live training courses. The key to success online is in connecting with other business owners and taking massive action once you understand how the business system works.

millionaire mentors online

Tools, strategies and techniques will allow you to automate much of the selling process through your very own digital sales funnel. Learning these strategies correctly and “owning” your business is key to becoming a successful online marketer. Ultimately, if you put in the work in the right way, and over a long enough time period, you can automate much of your online sales system. This journey is different for everyone because everyone has different circumstances, abilities and learning curves. Earnings can never be guaranteed and results will be different for everyone.

Access a free 7 day video series to learn more here.

Why An Online Business? Automation + Larger Commissions

An online business is different to most because it offers the ability to automate and scale. Most business models don’t have a global appeal, nor can they offer to sell digital products over the internet. Selling physical products creates an immediate problem. To sell physical products you need to manufacture them, store them and post them.

Even affiliate marketers who sell other people’s digital products must forgo a large portion of their potential commission. Affiliates who sell digital products can earn 40% + commissions compared to 3-10% on physical products. This is partly because digital products are so cheap to store, manufacture and deliver. The profits can be shared with the (affiliate) marketers because of this.


millionaire mentors online

An online business also has the potential for scaling up to a massive audience. With digital products which offer a global appeal and can be accessed from anywhere, the opportunity to scale is unlimited. For many businesses, they are limited by their local audience, their staff, size of premises and a number of other physical boundaries.

Millionaire mentors online focus on digital products because of this ability to scale up and automate to process. By reinvesting profits and scaling up advertising, online entrepreneurs can reach an ever growing number of people globally with their products and services. This can mean you earn commissions through a number of different methods:

  • High ticket digital products
  • Subscription products
  • Software products
  • Up-sells – Products which you sell to existing customers
  • Multi-tier sales – Products sold by your team

Access a 7 day video series here.

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