Entrepreneurship Tips And Strategies

Are you looking for entrepreneurship tips and strategies? Entrepreneurs are creative thinkers but your business will never grow beyond the level of thinking which you bring to it. Entrepreneurs should therefore seek to always be challenged on their thinking. Do you surround yourself with other positive thinking entrepreneurs? Does your thinking create new ways to look at and improve your business and yourself? Our actions are always preceded by thought, therefore it is thinking which we should concern ourselves with. Not just the surface level thinking on which we make our decisions, but also the beliefs and ideas on which these are based.

entrepreneurship tips and strategies

Entrepreneurship Tips And Strategies – Entrepreneurship Thinking

What are our thoughts based on? What beliefs do we hold? Who challenges our thinking regularly? Do we surround ourselves with the right people? You are not necessarily open minded just because you consider yourself so. Open minded people are able to change their views given new information, if necessary. Your business will always be limited by the quality of thinking you hold. Therefore you are the glass ceiling of your business. Unless you grow, neither will your business. 

  • Connect with other people who can help you grow
  • Read books which will help your thinking grow and develop – See entrepreneurship development ebook free download
  • Constantly improve yourself in line with your business needs
  • Constantly evaluate yourself and your business – ask yourself what is working and what is not working

Entrepreneur Marketing Strategy

If cash flow is the lifeblood of a business, marketing is its heartbeat. Without a proper marketing strategy, most businesses will fail. Given that we are in the digital age, we now have a huge advantage over previous business owners. We can now reach a global audience. Even with local businesses which don’t have a global reach, advertising can be very specifically targeted. This means we can target our audience to be very specific as to who sees our advertising. See why target market is important.

Entrepreneurship Marketing Strategy – Multiple Marketing Strategies

A marketing strategy which is based only on one stream of traffic is very precarious. Let’s say you only target SEO (Search engine optimization) on your website. If Google’s search engines are the only means to bring customers to your business, you could quickly lose all your traffic overnight. This happened and continues to happen for many businesses. Each Google update changes the game for many websites and updates are happening continually. Have an ‘organic’ marketing strategy for your business, but don’t rely on one. You can learn more about optimizing website content and blogging for profit in my e-book “Niche Blogging For Profit“.

entrepreneurship tips and strategies

Facebook Advertising

Facebook is a social platform where people connect with friends and relatives. It’s advertising platform gives you pin point accuracy when it comes to targeting potential clients. You can target potential customers based on gender, age, interests, social groups and many other criteria. This is what makes Facebook one of the most powerful marketing strategies available.

Adwords Advertising

Adwords is Google’s pay per click advertising platform. By targeting your customers based on what they type into Google’s search engine, you can spend money only when you have a hot lead. You only pay when someone clicks your advert and you gear your advertising to target paying customers and avoid the ‘tyre kickers’. You can do this in several ways:

  • Use negative keywords
  • Use pricing in adverts to put off bargain hunters
  • Target the best paying keywords

You can also target less competitive keywords to rank better for your adverts. This will lower your cost per click.

entrepreneurship tips and strategies

Pay Per Click Advertising

Pay per click advertising is a major breakthrough in direct response marketing. It should be one of the main focuses for small businesses and entrepreneurs. This is for these reasons:

  • Cost can be set so as to spend only a limited amount per day
  • Once a successful advertising campaign is created, no further work is required
  • A winning advert can be tested against small changes (split testing) to optimize budget
  • Split testing can continue until the best results are achieved
  • Once this happens you can scale with a winning advert

Scaling your advertising campaign is one of the keys to successful online advertising. This is something which cannot be done with ‘organic’ marketing or blogging. A winning blog may get attention and go viral but there is no way to control this. Split testing and scaling pay per click advertising is the strategy of many successful online entrepreneurs.

Testing and Measuring

Testing and measuring is something which should be done when paying for advertising online. Each landing page, advert and keyword should be carefully considered. Every part of your advertising strategy should be tested and measured. This is so wining adverts can be split tested and optimized and losing adverts can be stopped. The biggest mistake online advertisers make is to give up too early when they don’t find a winning advertising strategy straight away.

Other Online Advertising Methods

Other methods for advertising include Twitter, Linkedin, Bing, Yahoo and banner advertising. By having 3-5 advertising methods you can future proof your marketing strategies. If there is a problem with any single one of them, your business is still safe. Leaning too heavily on any single method makes your business marketing strategy precarious.

entrepreneurship tips and strategies

Offline Advertising Methods

Traditional advertising methods can be neglected by many online entrepreneurs to their detriment. Methods such as newspaper advertising, direct mail, television and radio advertising still can have a dramatic effect on your business. You must however, test and measure advertising to know what works and what doesn’t. Start an advertising campaign with a strategy for measuring the effectiveness of it already in place. 

Is Your Business Model Scalable?

Does your business model have the potential to scale up globally? Some business models limit themselves with their location, products, and the thinking or attitudes of their owners and managers. Use a business model which you can scale globally. Use systems, tools and technology which allow freedom and flexibility to be built in. Learn how to build a fully flexible business model from scratch. Access a Free Video Series and learn more here.

Do you have any further entrepreneur tips and strategies? Please share in the comments section below.

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