Affiliate Marketing Mentoring

Are you looking for affiliate marketing mentoring? I started learning affiliate marketing through various online courses several years ago. I jumped from one course to another searching for the ‘magic bullet’ of online riches! I made a lot of mistakes on the way (see top 10 mistakes to avoid when building your own internet business). One main take away from all my mistakes is to find a good affiliate marketing mentor, stick with them and work hard until you achieve success.

Affiliate Marketing Mentoring – What A Good Mentor Will Teach You

If you have been struggling with your online affiliate business get yourself a good mentor. Here are the mentors who have helped m e to turn my affiliate business around. A good mentor can give you:

  • A program which works
  • A community of people to help and support each other
  • Confidence in what you are doing
  • The right direction

affiliate marketing mentoring

Affiliate Marketing Mentoring – Problems With An Online Business

Of the above points probably the main one is the right direction. The trouble with an online business is that you can easily get side tracked into one of a million different paths. There are so many programs and ‘guru’s’ telling you what you should do next; if you try and listen to everyone you will soon be overloaded with information. This will lead to confusion and  inactivity. From the start it is important to follow a well trodden and proven path towards a profitable online business.

This doesn’t happen overnight and it is important to trust your path for long enough to start to see tangible results before giving up!

Affiliate Marketing Mentoring – Stuck in ‘Learning Mode’

Besides being inundated with information overload here’s one of the main problems with an online business:

There is unlimited information – far more than you can process. The key is to get the right information fast and start acting on it. Don’t get caught up in constant learning mode.

Affiliate Marketing Mentoring – Feeling ‘cut’ off from everybody

affiliate marketing mentoring

Another issue with an online business is that there are too many people going it alone. It’s a hard business to learn by yourself and you can easily get lost on the way. Even when you have a proven direction and some results behind you, it can still be hard being on your own. Here are two methods to combat these issues:

  1. Join a community and connect with other people who are doing the same as you. This ‘plugs’ you in to something bigger than just you. It will help you to persevere when times get tough. You can ask questions of your group and help others too.
  2. Write down a list of your ‘why’s’. – See 10 reasons why you should become an affiliate marketer. Having a list of your reasons why you chose an internet business and referring to it when needed can help you stay positive and on track.

Affiliate Marketing Mentoring – Empty Your ‘cup’

There’s a tonne of information which you have probably already learned as an affiliate marketer. Much of the information I learned initially, I have no use for now. Technology has changed the way an internet business operates and will continue to do so. The fact that you are reading this means you know you can still learn and get better. Thinking you know it all is dangerous because it means you are happy with your results. You have ‘arrived’. Holding on to this mentality will hold you back. You need to keep emptying your cup to keep learning new things.

When I found my mentors Jay and Stuart, I decided to ‘let go; of what I thought I knew; to ’empty my cup’. That way my cynicism wouldn’t hold me back.

Affiliate Marketing Mentoring – The Buck Stops At You

As an affiliate marketer you are solely responsible for the results in your business. Don’t play the blame game. Re-invest in yourself continually in terms of knowledge and development. If you don’t invest in your knowledge you will always perpetuate the same limited thinking. Find people who will challenge you and help you to grow and develop personally as well as in your business.

Your business and your self improvement are not mutually exclusive. If you limit your ability to learn, change and grow, you will also limit the potential of your business.

  • Do you think of yourself as a success?
  • Is your business serious or just a hobby?
  • How far do you want to take your affiliate marketing business?
  • What are your limits and what is your biggest obstacle?
  • How do you think of yourself in terms of business, family, relationships and success? See why you must change your self image to change your life.

The answers to these questions should tell you how much ambition you have and where some of your problems may lie.

Affiliate Marketing Mentoring - Recap

So that’s the theory of affiliate marketing. To recap here’s some major problems:

  • Information overload – There’s simply too much information on the internet to process and implement. You need simply step by step mechanics – see how to do affiliate marketing step by step.
  • Finding the Right Direction – Getting the right direction and trusting the path until you succeed
  • Getting stuck in learning mode and not implementing – Don’t fall into this trap. Make sure for everything you learn you take the necessary action steps.
  • Feeling ‘cut’ off and on your own – An affiliate business can be a lonely place. Especially if your friends and family don’t support you, believe in it or understand your ambitions. Join a community and get involved to counter this problem. Meet like minded people.
  • Not emptying your ‘cup’ – If you keep doing what you have always done, you’ll keep getting what you have always got. Empty your cup and learn new things to learn and grow.

Affiliate Marketing Mentoring – Nuts and Bolts

The nuts and bolts of building a successful online business are broken down into specific modules and actions steps in Jay and Stuart’s online community. Get access here. Here are some of the topics covered and the main reasons to join this community:

An affiliate marketing business works by selling other people’s products online. There are several ways to do this:

  • Build content – articles, videos, pod casts etc. Send visitors to products.
  • Advertise – Paid advertising is faster but more expensive.
  • Build a list of subscribers – Building a list of subscribers is far and away to best way to sell products online. With a list you are in charge of traffic without relying on Google or paid traffic to get visitors.

Problem #1 – Traffic

affiliate marketing mentoring

This is the main problem for all affiliate marketers. Building traffic through organic means is very difficult, particularly if you are in a competitive niche. It takes time for Google to rank your articles, if they rank at all. Paying for traffic is costly and a campaign needs to be ‘tweeked’ many times before it can be run profitably.

Some simple solutions:

  • #1 To get around the problem of expensive advertising you can sell high ticket products. Selling high ticket products means you earn more on each sale. This helps to offset the cost of paid advertising. If you also sell monthly memberships rather than ‘one off’ products you can also make a monthly income from the same sale.
  • #2 Create content that gets found on Google – This is easier said than done. However, if you write you content in such a way that it can be found on Google’s search results, you can build ‘trickles’ of visitors to your website or content. This is far better than simply writing random articles based on what you know. See finding long tail keywords.
  • #3 Create content which targets your specific audience. See why target market is important and Target marketing articles. By aiming your article titles at not only search results which are less competitive but also keywords which contain a buyer’s intent. A buyers intent simply refers to the intent of your visitor. Think into the intent of your article’s title and use Google’s keyword planner to find appropriate keywords to target.
  • #4 Sell products with built in sales team and an up-sell potential. If you only sell one product you only make one sale and therefore only one affiliate commission per sale. By selling products with a built in up-sell, you stand to make commissions should your members upgrade their membership level. This tactic makes a much better and more sustainable business model for affiliates.

Once you have found a tactic which works for you keep doing it until you get massive success. There are many difference tactics to employ in affiliate marketing. The key is to find one which works for you and keep doing it consistently.

Affiliate Marketing Mentoring – Get a Mentor / Become a Mentor

If you need a mentor for your online business you can access my mentors here. There are many people within this community who have also become mentors in their own right. Learn more, access this digital community and take your online business to the next level. Access video series here. Apply to join the community here.

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